June 29, 2017

Tip of the Week- Adding a Trellis Archway

Extend your garden's potential by adding a trellis archway. A trellis archway gives your beans, peas, cucumbers, squash and pumpkins a place to successfully grow while adding beauty and charm to your garden. At Garden Circles we use inexpensive cattle panels arched between two 2 foot tall beds.The panels are sturdy and will last a long time. Wire them to the beds for extra support and if you live in a climate with snow remove the foliage before snowfall otherwise a good snowfall will flatten the panel with remaining foliage. 

Cattle panels can be purchased at farm supply stores. Heads up, they run 16' long. 

Not sure what a cattle panel is? Click here- https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/feedlot-panel-cattle-16-ft-l-x-50-in-h


1 comment

I truly love your Garden Circles and the idea of the arches. I would love to try one but with my set up it might be hard to do. You make it look so easy and to have the vines and plant grow so perfect. Anyway keep up the good work!

Michael Washburn

January 09, 2019

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