Garden Circles Buzz Blog

Posts tagged: Soil Offsets

September 19, 2016

Leaf it full all winter

Leaf it full all winter

 It's almost raking time.  Excited?  You should be.  Leaves are a gift of nature.  The video below is a quick illustration of how you can use your leaves to help gardenscape your yard with Garden Circles.  

I would have done this video with real leaves, but it's a little early in the season and my arms got tired from trying to shake the trees in my yard. 

The concept is easy, though.  Set up Garden Circles where you want your garden to be.  Fill the Garden Circle heaping full of leaves.  Over the winder they will compress down as they compost.  Then in the spring, simply top them off with good, rich soil and start planting.  You don't have to dispose of your leaves, you only have to move them once, you need less soil, and you end up with a super moisture absorbent layer right under your garden.  That's a lot of good reasons to start your garden in the fall.


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